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Class 10 English Chapter 5 A Tiger in The Zoo
In SEBA Class 10 English Chapter 5 A Tiger in The Zoo Notes we covered all the important question answers required for Assam Board Exam. The SEBA Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 5 A Tiger in The Zoo provided here will help you to simplify your learning and boost your academic performance.
A Tiger in The Zoo
1. Where do the plump deer pass?
Answer: - The plump deer passed through the water hole.
2. Where did the tiger kept in the zoo? What does he do?
Answer: - In the zoo the tiger was imprisoned in a concrete cell, behind the bars.
In the concrete cell, the tiger is moving slowly and quietly in his cage, without paying any attention to the visitors who are coming to see him.
3. "He hears the last voice in the night"- who is 'he' referred to here?
Answer: - The 'he' in the given line referred to the tiger.
4. What should the tiger be doing near the water hole?
Answer: - As described in the poem, if the tiger were in his natural habitat, he would reach the water hole in the forest, by hiding in the long grass, and when a deer would pass through it, he would attack him and make him his meal.
5. How does the tiger terrify the villagers?
Answer: - The tiger terrorizes the villagers by showing his white long sharp teeth, long carved nails and growling while moving here and there.
6. What is a water hole? Why should the tiger be lurking near it?
Answer: - Water holes refer to a shallow pond like water body on the surface of the earth where wild animals came to drink water.
The tiger should be lurking near it to get a chance to hunt a plump deer.
7. What would the tiger have been doing if it were in its natural habitat?
Answer: - If the tiger were in its natural habitat he has been lying in the shadow of the tree or hiding in the long grass and reach the water hole without being noticed by other animals. There he would be lurking near it to get a chance to hunt a 'plump' deer. Moreover, he would be snarling around the houses at the jungle's edge and also terrorizing the villagers by showing his white long sharp teeth, long carved nails and growling while moving here and there.
8. Draw a comparison between a tiger in the zoo and its natural habitat.
Answer: - Leslie Norris, in his poem, 'A Tiger in the Zoo', have depicted a comparison between a tiger in the zoo and its natural habitat. In a zoo a tiger is confined in a cage; deprived of his freedom, he became angry and frustrated. Thus, he moves slowly and quietly in his cage, without paying any attention to the visitors.
On the contrary, a tiger enjoys all his desired freedom in its natural habitat. He spends his time lying in the shadow of the tree or hiding in the long grasses near the water hole to hunt a fat deer. He is free to wander around the jungle and to the edge of the village. Although he is a 'terror' for the villagers, yet he enjoys his freedom to the extreme limit.
9. What does the tiger o at the edge of the village?
Answer: - At the edge of the village the tiger snarls around the houses and terrorizes the villagers by showing his white long sharp teeth, long carved nails and growling while moving here and there.
10. What is the last voice heard by the tiger at night?
Answer: - The last voice heard by the tiger at night was the noise of the patrolling car.
11. How does the tiger feel confined in the cage?
Answer: - Being confined in the cage, the tiger feels very helpless. Deprived of his freedom, he became frustrated and also wonders why he has been imprisoned in the cage.
12. Why does the tiger ignore visitors?
Answer: - Everyday thousands of people visit the zoo for which visitors are a common picture there. The tiger is ignoring the visitors because he knows that they will never release him from the prison. Thus, he stops taking any interest in them and ignores them. Moreover, he might have got frustrated of becoming a showpiece for others.
13. What is the tiger doing in the cage?
Answer: - In the cage the tiger is moving in 'quite rage', i.e., he is moving slowly and quietly with suppressed anger, without paying any attention to the visitors who are coming to see him.
14. Why is the tiger in 'quite rage'?
Answer: - The tiger is in 'quite rage' because he is confined in a cage and deprived of his freedom. Thus, the poet expresses the tiger's helplessness, anger and frustration through the given words.
15. What is the emotion shown by the tiger?
Answer: - The emotion shown by the tiger is 'rage', i.e., anger.